First week of school has been awesome! Cora Lee has started Kindergarten; Mrs. Churchill is her teacher or Chloe's Mom's to her. She has done really well getting up & going to school. But going to bed early hasn't set in yet. I do love being on a schedule! Schedule here it is:
5:45--Get out of bed
6:30 Leave bus barn to due bus route
7:30 Return to bus barn & go pick up Cora & Aaron.
8:00 School Starts
8:50-12:05 PE class every hour
12:10 Lunch
1:00-2:30 PE
2:45 PIck up Jantz to go to the bus barn
3:00 Leave Bus Barn for Bus route Again
4:30 Return to Bus barn head home.
6:00 Dinner is Served!!
I am not coaching as some of you may know; I miss it & being around the girls. But I have time to make it to their home games. The most important thing is that I am here for my kids. Seeing Cora at school is weird but I am getting used to it. Another thing I can't get into my schedule is laundry! I am doing better about keeping the house up & clean as well as laundry. My mom told be to do 2 loads a day. Today I have! Check for me... Now we are off to church. Get home and take baths and off to bed!!!
Until next time...Mamabotos