Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Life at the Firework Stand.

A year of just sitting around. Love the smell of dirt!

Unload the fireworks and set up. Botos had to unload all of these boxes off of the truck by HIMSELF! What a man!

Days of sitting in the sun, our first pet... H-T!
H-T in his new Home. I don't think he likes it. That calls for bodyguards.
Meet Rex & Farrett.

U want to leave?! I don't think so Mr. H-T.

F-Man trying to calm things down.

F-Man just about lost his life. Ahhhh... Mr. H to the T is wanting F-Man to get his arm out of his face!
What's all this ruckus? Settle down, Settle down. (New neighbor, Madea.)
As you can see all these Animals ended up to be one of our favorite snacks. ANIMAL CRACKERS! LOL

So I end up w/a Blackeye! Where are my bodyguards?

Here we are Momma!

Until next time... Mamabotos.


Jenschke Family said...

Girl, are you bored or entertaining the kids?

Marci said... are so funny!! love it!!

Kyle Vannoy said...

Love It!!! Melissa and laid in bed and just laughed and laughed.