Sunday, May 24, 2009

Quartz Mt Camping Trip #2

It has been over a week and half since we visited Quartz Mountain for our 2nd camping trip.We spent 3 days & 2 nights, took along my nephew Aaron w/us who was experiencing his first camping trip. 

We arrived Friday afternoon, found our perfect spot, Live Oak #54.  We had a great view toward the playground where the kids could go and play. After we set up camp, we decided to drive around the campground. Of course we found the good ol' water slides that have been there FOREVER! So of course, I didn't bring any swimsuits for anyone...but we still went or Botos & the kids did.  

   Not tall enough yet!!! Darn it. 
   Aaron driving the bumper car, by himself. He did some damage to the other little boy, poor other boy. AND the other little boy gave Aaron a ticket to ride, I bet he was wishing he hadn't done that... hahah.

After water slides & bumper cars we decided to go play putt-putt. Of course Botos wanted to compete and I simply said Ok. Now if didn't know, but the last time he & I played golf was our first year of dating. He had asked me to go along w/him and some baseball buddies. Bottom line: I won, beat him = First Fight!!! So... we r playing a long and of course it comes down to the 18th hole, hole-n-one shot... I MADE IT!!! BAM... won a free game and beat Botos by 2 strokes. No fight though. 

Then it was off to the paddle boats. Didn't last long, went down the river long enough to find a couple of fishing spots to take the kids. And we paddled back, lasted about 10 minutes. 

Saturday morning started off w/it raining till 2. So in the mean time, Botos taught the kids "Slap Jack", hands were flying every where, I was rolling... laughing so hard.  

So then we decided to go visit the "Nature Center." Very cool place, had lots of things for the kids to do. One thing in particular was a puzzle center. At this puzzle center were pictures of animals on half of the puzzle piece and on the other was the animals poop. Yes poop. It was to help them know when they saw poop on a trail or in a campground they were able to tell what animal it was.  lol. After the rain it was off to hiking... I will let the pictures tell the story. 

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