So, we loaded up yesterday
afternoon and headed north. We have heard about this little campsite or roadside park. I remember going there as a student, with our youth group. Playing in the river, football in the river, tag, or any game we could think of.
As we pulled up, it was vacant of campers but there were people there, cooking out (oh it smelt good!), hanging out, families laughing, just having a good time. I was excited!!! We unhooked the trailor, met the host of the campsite, Austin & Patsy Willowby (?). Very nice people & helpful. The kids were sooo excited to get dressed and head to the river! No swimming pool, just a sandy, muddy river/creek!!!
This is our second camping trip this summer and we plan many more. Please enjoy the pics!
Here is me & my little Cora Lee. She loves to take pictures! Needless to say, she slept all afternoon. She attended her FIRST slumber party the night before. I believe they stayed up till 3! LOL They had a beauty pageant & decorated pillow cases. What fun!
My little Man Jantz! Loved the river...the minute his feet hit the water he was off! It was so funny to watch him take off running. One minute he would be
running in shallow land and the next he would hit the ground!
But his most favorite thing to do was to run straight at his
daddy and slide as if he was sliding into home plate!!!
Cora & Jantz started to play leap frog, now that was a sight to see, especially when Botos started playing!!! LOL
Jantz's other thing to do was to try to catch the itty bitty tiny fish/Minna. He think he would have one, come up with a handful of mud and then he would throw the mud at us!!! ; ) Little turd...he would start giggling so hard. Nothing better than hearing your children laughing & playing.
We really enjoyed our time here. Our plans for the future is to invite as many people to come and spend the afternoon. It would make a perfect Sunday afternoon get-a-way. Good thing is, you wouldn't even have to stay the night, just load up & come back home. But as for me, I love camping!!! So I would be staying the night. There is a grill for cooking hot dogs & do have smores later on in the evening.
Until next time Mamabotos.
I have heard of this little spot but never have gone. Sounds like fun! Maybe I can convince my "stick-in-the-mud" (ha, ha, ha, ha) husband to go play in the mud some day. Not holding my breath. You guys have a great summer and take advantage of it all!!!!
So glad you guys are doing that!! I love camping and the smell of campfire!
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