A long week it was! You know baseball season is about to start when Botos heads to Baseball Clinic in Waco, Tx. I am excited about this season. Last season was great, but I have a feeling this season might be just a little bit better. Who knows!
Botos has gotten big into Bow Hunting. He is addicted to a Bow hunting website like I am to Facebook! lol I did go sit the ground blind with him, just one time. He said I move around to much. I never go invited back. But hunting season this year was good to us. I started off with bang and I guess you could say I ended it with a bang. I never went back out after the two hunting trips...lol. First hunt, shot two does. Second hunt, 8 pt Buck. For Christmas, my husband and European mounted my buck (he did it himself) on to a Texas shaped out of wood. It looks sharp & yes it hangs in my living room!
School week was great. In PE, I have been teaching Basektball. We started off with dribbling & ballhandling. This week we will add passing. I have 2nd & 3rd grade performing on Jan. 28th, Friday, at the Varsity Girls/Boys half-time games. It is also CES night for all elementary kids!!! Packed house.
Botos was gone to WAco from Thurs-Sat. He enjoys seeing all the other baseball coaches, teammates from college, and talk baseball. He always has a good time. So the kids and I got to hang out. Also, Thursday, I attended a Women's Study Group. It was awesome!!! I am so thankful for the ladies who got this going. It is just what the Dr. order for me.
Saturday was a wonderful day. The kids and I slept in and then we headed out to the Stock show. I am impressed with kids that take the time to prepare their animals for this. So much hard work & dedication go into this. Plus the kids get to see the animals. We always have a good time. After we left there, we stopped by to see Pappy. He had asked the kids "how they do?' meaning them, if they entered in the show! lol. Asked Jantz if won the Chicken show!!! Jantz just started squawking like a chicken. Crazy kids!!! But they love their Pappy. After wards, Mammy had the girls spend the night. They played dress up! clothes were every where. We are so blessed to have such great grandparents!!!
Sunday has been a wonderful day. Botos cooked lunch and now he is off getting his deer feeders ready for next season. Kids have been doing their chores and playing wii games. I have been cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry. Why do I let the laundry pile up all week long. It would be easier to do 2 loads a day. Easier said than done. Hanging out with the kids, still need to go grocery shopping, & finish up the laundry.
Oh, the whole Dave Ramsey thing is working out! Its so awesome, Botos & I are on the same page with the spending. I am anxious to see how this month goes!
Until next time...Mamabotos
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