Tuesday, March 10, 2009

In a Rut!!

Have this 'RUT" of doing nada, nothing, not a darn thing. I haven't worked out in a good week or two... I don't know, lost count and I was doing so good!!! I am disappointed in myself. Stressed... just a little, gotta do a 3rd grade program tonight!! yikes... parents be ware, the program is DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) is our new verstion of Square Dancing... hahaha... I am need of some blacklights, extra ones... anyone has one before 5 tonight that would be awesome!!!

Okay, really don't have much to say.. gotta go get things ready!!! peace... stay dry!!!

Until next time momma botos!!!


Belinda said...

I hate being in ruts. I tend to go there from time to time. Call me when your in a rut we can try and get you out of it. Y'all need to come over soon. Miss ya

Amy said...

GREAT 3rd grade program! It was tons of fun!! Thanks for all the hard work you have put into it! Love ya! Get outta that rut, girl! I miss seeing you at the gym!!:)