Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monday, Sept. 8th

Monday, Monday, Monday...busy as usual. Today was a very hectic or it seemed like it. The weather was cloudy and cool...it rained off & on but no complaints here. Daily schedule was the same no changes... work (school), bball practice during the period. About basketball, we have a new coach this year and he is good. I like what he has done and the girls are catching on and things will be great this year. Of course I love basketball... and so does my little man, Jantz. I think he will be a lefty...kinda makes Botos sad but I bet he will love baseball just as much if not more. Which with him being Head Baseball, I can't wait to see Jantz out on the field following his daddy around. Sorry I got off track, back to my schedule...of course then we had vball practice. After practice the kids and I went to get food for Bobcat Booster club and there we got visit and with other coaches families & friends.

Our evening ended up with bathes & watching Monday night football. Cora Lee starts Sonshine Pre-school tomorrow (8-10)...she is so excited about going to school. She is getting so big so fast!!! I will have a picture of her on tomorrow's post.

Ugh...gotta start working out again & tan..looking & feeling bad. But when do I have time!!!

Until tomorrow...mama botos!